At the same time, gateway agent is adopted to assess the whole system, so that to realize global optimization. A utility function is designed to evaluate the chi flat iron benefit of any radio-channel pair. Finally the neighbor-radio binding algorithm and the women's nike shoes radio-channel binding algorithm are designed.A routing algorithm based on affinity and chi dazzle emotional learning is proposed to solve the problem of real-time updating of routing metric in source initiated on-demand routing protocol and the problem of selecting the dated optimal routing which discount wedding dresses caused by the numerous of information. Factors which influence the routing selection are designed to be affinity between optimal routing and candidate routing. And emotional learning chi flat iron store method is introduced. According to network information obtain by mobile agents and agent's emotion, the coefficient of affinity factors can be updated locally or globally, so that the optimal routing can be obtained.Finally, the NS2 simulation tool is expanded to make it applicable to multi-radio multi-channel environment. Several different scenarios are designed to evaluate channel assignment routing algorithm. And the improvement of throughput, delay, routing load to the whole network is analyzed.